Friday, January 22, 2010

What does it all mean??

I decided to stop and shake the rain off for a few minutes to enlighten you all with a second update. All I can say is what a week! Here in SoCal (southern california) we have had five days of solid rain. Sounds like nothing to my friends from the East Coast, but here on the Left that is A LOT. The courier post even covered it in an article here:

Five Days of Rain in Southern California

One the National Political scene it seems that the Country is finally waking up. I am not sure that the change the people would like is the same change that they sought when electing the big O, an no I don't mean Oprah. I think people are finally realizing that the answer to more effective government is less government. It does feel great to win Ted Kennedy's seat. Specifically that the person who won "Teddy's Seat" will be the vote needed to reject the largest increase in federal government intervention into private citizens lives since the great depression, something the Liberal Lion had worked to fuel for decades.

Well enough politics for now, but it was to big a win to go unmentioned.

I had a request that I specifically lay out what our battlions mission is in order for "my readers" to better understand what I am doing. I will attempt to summarize this as quickly as possible.

I am an Officer in Naval Mobile Contruction Battalion 21. A battalion is made up of approximately 600 people. The mobile aspect means that we can be ready to "mount out" and deploy within 48 hours of a order being recieved. Most important is our contruction mission, meaning we build and we fight. Contruction Batallions, or SeaBees (C-B's), became popular after WWII when the navy recruited contruction workers as enlisted Bees and Engineers and Officers. This is still true today, and the navy prides itself on having the most requested military construction force in the world, the SeaBees.

Our Bees are proficient in Building, Operating Heavy Equipment, Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, and all other types of construction projects. We are also all tactically astute and prepared to defend ourselves to the fullest in order to achieve mission completeness. Most contruction workers don't have to do their job while being shot at, we do and we can!

As an officer I am one of 15 people that oversee the running of the battalion. I say that because the Chiefs really run the Battallion, and without those 45+ Chiefs we would be dead in the water.

Stay tuned for more on my specific duties......

• The difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer.
- U.S. Navy Seabees

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