Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow in Southern California

So all of the 18 hour days and working through the night could not keep us down. Last Sunday, after a week of rain here is Southern California, we looked at the mountains to our North and saw snow.

These are the mountains(the goal), as seen from Port Hueneme.

Snow capped mountains don’t just look nice, they also make for a great hike. That’s just what we decided to do.
We climbed the tallest mountain we could find, somewhere inside of Las Padres National Forest. We knew there would be snow on the top, but never expected to have to hike through 4-6 inches of the stuff. Starting altitude was 2500ft above Sea Level, final alt was 5000+ ft. The hike to the top lasted about 3 hours.

(Playing in the snow)

Some Snow...and a beautiful waterfall.

After catching a great view and taking a bunch of photos, we climbed back to the bottom in about an hour and a half. Overall the hike was exhausting, but it felt great to get back into hiking, something I have not done much of since Boy Scouts.

Beautiful view off the front dash of our Chevy Pick-up.

We grabbed a quick dinner on the way home, and passed out about 8pm. Let’s just say that Monday morning PT and it’s 2 mile run was NOT fun.

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