Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We arrived in Afghanisan exactly a month ago. Sorry that it took me so long to update the blog, but getting my boots on ground and gaining situational awareness in a place like this takes a little while. One of the first things we did was training for if we rolled over a vehicle while we were here. We had to get out of the mock vehicle while it was on its side and upside down. It was kind of like a ride at six flags.

MRAP Rollover Training:

Here in Afghanistan local truck drivers decorate the trucks the drive with paintings, frills, and bells. They are referred to as "jingle trucks" because of the sound they make as they pass by. I think MTV would have a great new show if they came out with "Jingle my Ride". The only problem with these trucks is that if you have them transport your equipment it might arrive with the fuel, belts, and wheels missing, if it arrives at all.

Afghani Jingle Truck

From our project sites we can see the locals that farm outside the "wire". Here are two pictures, one of a little boy that should probably be in school, and another of a shepard. The people here are living in the 7th Century.

Afghan Child


If anyone was thinking of coming to visit there is a nice hotel at KAF. The cost is only $250 a night. Please let me know and I will make reservations for you.

Hotel Kandahar

There are some comforts from home though that help keep spirits up. One of these is a TGI Fridays. This is located in the boardwalk area of the base. There is also a hockey rink there, and games get more fierce than the Olympics. There are 17 countries here at KAF. I included a picture of the Slovakians for Tanya. It was funny because they were signing "Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye" but their English pronunciation was not the best.

In here, its always Friday


Despite all the FUN stuff to do one base, we are here to do a job. I included a picture of my Seabees hard at work pouring a concrete pad. And a pre-con photo of myself visiting a jobsite.

Hard at work:

ENS MacDonnell

We also had our first sandstorm yesterday. Similar to fog, except it makes you dirty. I am sure breathing it is very good for your health as well.

MRAP Driving in the sandstorm

And one last reminder of how far from home I truely am.

Toby Keith Concert tonight in KAF. I will be sure to get some pictures up here and try to update the blog on a weekly basis.


  1. That last picture makes me sad. Sounds like they keep you busy, I love the ice rink in the middle of the desert haha! Stay safe Dan, and hurry home so we can plan this wedding already!!!

  2. You never told me there was a hotel in town. Put in a reservation for me, it looks lovely.

    Yay Slovakia! I hope you are being nice to them and not just making fun of their accents. because I bet their english is far better than your Slovak singing in church. By the way, did you ever make it to the Slovak Catholic mass on base?

    Also- I am really loving all the pictures and details. It comforts me to be able to visualize where you are.

    I love you! Enjoy the conert!

  3. Thank you ENS MacDonnell for the updates and photos. I have a nephew in NMCB 21 who is with you. We appreciate any and all updates. We love our Seabees!
