Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

On the morning of April 2nd2010 NMCB-21’s Advance Party(that’s right I was first this time) woke up at 0230 to board our plane for Kuwait. After checking our baggage in a day before(limited to 150 pounds of which my body armor weighs 75) we collected our weapons to be hand carried and headed to the theater for a lock down. In lock down the AP would get our small pox vaccine, a series of 15 needle pokes, fill out last travel claim, and have our last cup of American coffee…with a doughnut of course. Then we would board our plane for Kuwait.

Lockdown in the theater on Pt Mugu

Boarding our plane to Kuwait (I had 3 seats to myself=lay down and sleep)

How often can you carry automatic weapons on a commericial plane?

The trip to Kuwait lasted a whopping 22 hours, with stops in Maine and Germany, before landing in the flattest, driest, hottest, sandiest place I have ever experienced, Kuwait. We stayed in Kuwait for only 2 days while we zeroed the sights on our weapons and checked into CENTCOM.

Camels wondering through Kuwait

Then it was off to Afghanistan.
I was glad that I was not part of the group staying in Kuwait, since it was much hotter there. We also distributed our ammo in Kuwait, and then we were ready. A US Air Force C-17 would be our transportation to Kandahar, wearing full “battle rattle” and carrying our weapons once again. I slept the entire flight(about 4 hours) and woke up to “Good morning Afghanistan”. We were finally here.

Loading up to leave Kuwait

On the C-17 flying to KAF(Kandahar Air Field)

1 comment:

  1. You told me there were a lot of camels in Kuwait, but that picture is ridiculous! And the gun on the plane picture makes me laugh. It made me imagine you trying to walk through the security checks carrying it and the alarm going off. And that C-17 looks like a fun ride!
